Tag: Ballymurphy

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Noelle Ryan

A life in community education

Noelle spent six years working in a Liverpool convent before being released. “I know there were some of people who felt, maybe fearful of me in ways, I’ve a fairly strong personality. I suppose it wasn’t my permanent ...

Ballymurphy – The People’s Co-ops

The story of Ballymurphy Enterprises

Like many cities in Britain, Belfast suffered industrial decline in the 1960s.  High unemployment rates were the norm for many of the housing estates in west Belfast. “Official statistics in Ballymurphy had 37% of ...

Tar Anall

Conway Mill Drop In Centre

The 50+ Group was established several years ago by a group of Republican women in Tar Anall, a Drop In Centre for Republican prisoners and their families based in Conway Mill, west Belfast. “After the peace came, a...

In Our Time – Creating Arts Within Reach

Creating Arts Within Reach

Belfast has seen a remarkable expansion in community arts activity over the last forty years, since the 1970s, putting it at the forefront of the movement within the UK and Ireland to change the way art is seen. It ha...